Meraki is doing something with total love and pure soul. It is leaving a little piece of yourself in your creative work.
It is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity and passion — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be.
It means the essence of yourself put into your work.
This collage shows part of my creative journey! How it began in July 2013 and how
I've found my own creative voice in 2015! (One of the creations on the lower part on the pic of 2013 is not mine.) Also the quality of the photos improved a lot!
Creativity is Magic! My talent is not mine, its a gift from the Universe and I am forever grateful!
Artists! Get inspired and create! We are all creative in our very own unique way!
Shirley described it in wonderful words:
"This is a perfect example of how an artist starts... but they keep working at it until they find their niche and master their style! Don't give up because what you created wasn't quite what you expected it to be... if you keep at it, one day you can advise others of the how to's...and this works not only with creating jewelry... this works in every aspect you should choose to endeavor in! ☼"